Material Specifications

It's All In the Details

When it comes to durability, ease of installation, and cost-effectiveness, the Geo-Form Geomembrane is a smart investment. 


EPDM Rubber Alloy

Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

EPDM is the highest rated weather-resistant thermoset polymer.

Traditional Geomembrane Considerations:

Does not stress crack, a concern with HDPE which is a semi-crystalline microstructure necessary for high chemical resistance.

Core Thickness


Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Smooth both sides - No asperity height

Traditional Geomembrane Considerations:

One common HDPE specification is .060" with an asperity height of .020", thus core thickness is .040"

Density g/cc

1.19 g/cc

Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Heavier than water - .6 pounds/square foot

Traditional Geomembrane Consdierations:

Density of thermoplastic geomembranes is less than 1.0 g/cc. Ballast may be required.

Durometer Type A


Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Did not change after 10 years of exposure.

Multi-Axial Tensile Break


Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Test for the property of ductility.

Traditional Geomembrane Consdierations:

High strength or reinforced geomembranes are not ductile, thus will not be subjected to this test.

Elasticity / Shrink Force

Very Low

Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Observations of installations over a ten year period have revealed little change as a result of temperature extremes or polymer elasticity.

Traditional Geomembrane Consdierations:

High strength geomembranes require strict installation guidelines to avoid failures caused by shrinkage, expansion, and cold shock.

Heat Weldable


Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Easily and securely welded at 10' / minute and at temperatures below 10 degrees F.

Traditional Geomembrane Consdierations:

Pure thermoset geomembranes cannot be heat welded. HDPE welding has strict limits on ambient temperature and humidity, welding procedures, and critical quality requirements.

Life Expectancy

20 to 30 Years

Geo-Form Geomembrane Specifications:

Passed ASTM D 1149-07 Aging/Ozone resistance.

10% loss of tensile strength after 10 years of exposure in the desert climate.

Fact: Geomembrane thickness increases aging life.

Primary polymer EDPM is known to have ≥ 30 years of life expectancy.

For Bid Specification

Suggested Wording for Engineers when Specifying Geo-Form Geomembrane:

“Ductile and heat weldable EPDM Rubber Alloy. Multi-axial elongation must exceed 50%.  Minimum of ten years proven performance and include 20-year limited warranty.”

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  • 20-Year Limited Warranty

  • UV Resistant

  • Resists Cracking

  • Stretches & Conforms to Irregular Subgrades

  • Resistant to Damage During Installation

  • Low Shrink Force

  • Minimal Shrinkage & Expansion

  • Installable in Any Safe Working Temperature

  • Heat Weldable at 10' per Minute

  • Specific Gravity of 1.19

  • .100" Thickness

  • Over 1/2 lb. per Square Foot

  • No Risk of Ply Separation or Failure From Wicking

All Geo-Form Geomembrane Products are Custom Made and Built to Last.

Proudly Made in the USA

Geo-Form Geomembrane is produced in a 100,000 square-foot ISO-Certified manufacturing facility in the Midwest. We've perfected this product over the last 30 years which can now be ordered in any length up to 8-feet wide.

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  • All Our Liners are Made 100% in the U.S.A.

  • Our Midwest Manufacturing Facility is ISO Certified

  • We Serve Clients All Over the World